Uni-1 Complexity analysis
- What is Big Oh(o) notation? 2007. 2009
- When is approximation algorithm used as problem solving approach? 2011
- Arrange the following expressions by their growth rate from slowest to fastest. Logn,logn2,n!,n5 2014
- What is data structure?
- What is average case complexity of algorithm?
Unit-2 Linked List
- What do you mean by linked list? 2002 , 2007,2011
- Write benefits of linked list over array .2002,2007,2012
- What must be done before inserting an element at the beginning of array? 2011
- What is circular linked list? . 2009
- Write the variations of linked list. . 2012
- How many start pointers are required in doubly linked list? 2011
- What is doubly linked list? Write an algorithm or C-function to insert a node at end of doubly linked list.
- How doubly linked list differs from singly linked list?
- write a function for inserting node in to the list and deleting node from the list node . 2002
- Write function to implement to insert a node at beginning of double Link list. . 2009
- Write a function to count the total number of nodes in a linear linked list. 2002
- Write function to print all the elements of the linked list. 2011
- Write java function to delete first node of doubly linked list. . 2012
- Write java function to delete a node from the end of singly linked list. 2007
Unit-3 Stack & Queues
- Define stack . 2009 , 2012
- What do you mean by linked list of stack ? 2004
- Write down the main features of Stack. 2007
- List any three applications of stack. 2011
- Describe linked implementation of stack with suitable example? And write down its java function. 2003
- What do you mean by Queue? 2002,2003
- How is circular queue more efficient than linear queue? 2004,2007, 2011, 2012,2014
- Define priority queue. . 2009
- What do you mean by Abstract Data Type? Define queue as an Abstract Data Type. 2003, 2007
- Write the application of priority queue. 2012
- What do you mean by absurd situation in a queue? 2011
- How circular queue is better than linear queue? .
- Define infix and post-fix Expression. 2003
- Write the relationship between the stack and recursion. 2014
- Differentiate between stack and queue.
- What is skip list?
- What is postfix expression? Evaluate the given expression 2007
6 2 3 + – 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 +
- Write the algorithm to evaluate postfix expression. Trace the algorithm for the following input: . 2012
ABCD- E/F*+; where A=3, B=5, C=1, D=6, E=4 and F=3.
- Use stack to convert the expression into postfix expression and evaluate the value of postfix expression where assume A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F =6
A+(B + C) * D$(E * F)
- write a function to implement linked list of stack . 2004
- .Write a program to implement the basic operations on stack. 2011
- Write function for joining two queue of size each 5 into stack. 2003
- Write a function to insert element in the queue. 2002,2003
- write a function to insert an element into a circular queue . 2004,2007
- Write function to perform insertion and deletion operations in a circular queue. 2011
- Write function implement queue with insert, remove and display functions. 2009
- Write function to perform deletion operation in linear queue. . 2012
- Write a function for evaluating a postfix expression. 2003,2009
- Write function for joining two queue of size each 5 into stack. 2003
- Write a Java class to implement stack with push and pop functions.
Unit-4 Recursion
- Define recursive function. Write recursive function to generate Fibonacci resides. 2004
- Is it possible to convert all the recursions into iteration? 2011
- Differentiate between direct and indirect recursion. Write the recursive function to find the product of two numbers. . 2012
- What is tail recursion?
Unit-6 Binary trees
- Write properties of binary tree.2009
- Define expression Tree. 2003 , 2007 , 2012
- Define binary tree.2002,2004, 2009
- What is the required condition to implement binary search? 2002
- Define binary tree, strictly binary tree. What are the methods of a traversing binary tree? Write a recursive function for one of the traversals. 2002
- Define Min heap and Max heap. 2011
- Define complete binary tree with examples. 2007
- What do you mean by AVL tree? 2007
- What is searching?2007
- What do you mean by height balance tree? . 2009
- Why binary search is better than sequential search? . 2009
- How AVL tree is constructed? . 2012
- Distinguish between tree and forest. 2011
- What is Tree Traversal? 2011
- Compare binary search and sequential search with respect to their time complexity. 2014
- Differentiate between complete binary tree and almost complete binary tree. 2014
- What is heap tree? 2014,2015 Model
- What will be the result if we perform the post order traversal of an expression tree? 2014
- What do you mean by Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)? Write Kruskal’s algorithm to construct MST with suitable example. 2014
- What is splaying?
- What are the advantages of B tree? Explain procedure to insert element in a B tree.
- Make expression tree to the expression: AB-C+DEF-+$. Then write the post order traversal for above tree. 2003
- write a function to construct a binary tree and construct a binary tree from the following given node { 12,8,14, 7 ,19, 4, 28, 2 , 30} 2004
- Use binary search algorithm for finding position of 67 in the given list 34 44 56 77 78 89 91 92 93 94 95 2004
- construct a binary tree the following given node { 10,8,12,7,9,11,18} and also write perorder , in order and post order traversal. 2004
- Create an expression tree of given infix notation. ((A*B) + C – D/E + (f*G))$H 2007
- Write an function to delete a node from Binary tree. 2007
- Create binary search tree for following list of elements 45, 30, 29, 88, 1, 1, 12, 7, 2, 6, 10 and display the In order traversal of that tree. . 2009
- Function to create binary search tree and binary tree traversal in postorder. . 2009
- Construct expression tree of given expression A * B – C. Evaluate post fixed expression using stack (AB / C +) where A = 10, B = 5 and C = 2. . 2009
- Convert the given expression to postfix (A+B*C)$(A+B)*C).
- Construct a Max heap from the following data given in order: 1, 5, 3, 10, 2, 6, 9, 11. 2011
- Write an algorithm to search an item using binary search technique. Search item 16 in the following data set using binary search algorithm: 111, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 29. 2011
- Define forest. Write C function or algorithm to insert new node in binary tree. . 2012
- Write an algorithm of list traversal. 2007 Write binary search algorithm. Search an element 15 from the given list of data using binary search algorithm. 10,15,28,31,33,35,44,45,80,84,96,100 2007
- Write an function for inorder and preorder traversal of Binary Tree. 2011
- What is the advantage of AVL tree over binary search tree? Construct an AVL tree from the given set of data: 3, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 15, 9,14 2014
- Write a function in Java to insert a node in Binary Search tree.
Unit -7 Graphs
- Discuss the Breadth first traversal in Graph. Also write an algorithm for the traversal. 2002
- Discuss the graph traversal method with example. Write C function or algorithm to find shortest path from A to B. . 2012
- What do you mean by nesting depth and parenthesis count? 2007
- Differentiate between graph and tree. 2012
- Define graph as an Abstract Data Types.
- What is adjacency matrix of graph?
- Write Depth first traversal for graph.
- Unit-8 Sorting
- What do you mean by sorting? 2002 , 2003
- What is the difference Insertion sort and Selection sort? In which situation insertion sort will perform better than selection sort. 2004, 2007
- Compare Selection and Bubble sort according to their complexities. 2012
- Differentiate between Sorting and Searching. 2007, 2012
- What is the Big Oh notation of quick sort? 2011
- Why is internal sorting faster than external sorting? 2011
- What is the difference between Quick sort and Merge sort? 2007
- Write an algorithm for implementing selection sort. Why selection sort is efficient then insertion sort in case of larger list of element. 2002
- What is merging? 2011
- Explain quick sorting with an example.
- Write function for insertion-sort. 2003,2015 Model
- Write function to implement a selection sort .
- Trace selection sort algorithm for following data .{66, 29, 32, 59, 12} 2004
- Trace bubble sort algorithm for the following data: 32 51 27 85 66 23 13 57 99 11 2003
- Sort following list of elements using merge sort: 11, 22, 33, 4, 5, 6, 8, 99, 9, 15. Show the tracing of algorithm. . 2009
- Sort the following data using Quick sort algorithm. 48, 37, 57, 92, 86, 2007
- Write function for quick sort.
- Write an algorithm for merge sort and sort the following data using merge sort algorithm: 11, 22, 33, 4, 5, 6, 8, 99, 9, 15. 2011
- Trace Quick sort algorithm for the data: 10, 71, 89, 37, 67, 29, 54, 24 2012
Unit-9 Hashing
- What do you mean by bucket Addressing?
- Write a function in Java to delete element from a hash table.
Other Question
- When is collision resolution technique used?
- Write a C function or algorithm to solve the TOH problem for n disks.
- How do you decide to choose using specific algorithm from various available algorithms to do same thing?
- What is linear probing?
- Compare available searching techniques.
- What is greedy approach?
- Why do we need the concept of collision resolution?
- Write algorithm to solve problem of Tower of Hanoi.