Software Engineering 2019 Makeup

6th semester

2019 Makeup 3

ATM UML Diagrams 5

Test case for a function that checks if a given parameter is prime or not:

Test Case ID:   PRIME_001

Test Case Summary:   Verify that the function correctly identifies whether a given parameter is prime or not.

Precondition:   The function for checking prime numbers is implemented and accessible.

Test Case Steps:

  1. Input:  Provide a positive integer number as input, e.g., n = 7.
  2. Action:  Execute the function to check if the input number is prime.
  3. Expected Result:  Verify that the function correctly identifies whether the input number is prime or not.

–   Execution Steps:

  1. Open the code editor and access the function for checking prime numbers.
  2. Input a positive integer value, e.g., n = 7.
  3. Execute the function and capture the result.
  4. Compare the result with the expected outcome.

Expected Result:

– For input n = 7, the expected result is true (since 7 is a prime number).

Pass Criteria:

– The function correctly identifies prime numbers, returning true for prime numbers and false for non-prime numbers.

– It handles positive integer inputs correctly and provides accurate prime number checks.

This test case ensures that the function accurately identifies prime numbers, meeting the expected result and adhering to preconditions.

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