Business Communication pre board solutions

2nd Semester


bc 1bc 2

What is the main idea of “Dan’s Half Hour” in business communication?

Ans: The main idea of “Dan’s half Hour” is the role of both verbal and nonverbal communication in daily basis as well as the complexity of communication in organization.

What do you mean by operational definition?

Ans: Operational definition refers to the practical method of introducing knowledge regarding some object or thing so that the receiver to whom communication is taking place could easily understand the meaning.

Define reality on the basis of “Perception and Reality”.

Ans: Reality is all that exist but not what exists only in the mind of human beings.

Define business report.

Ans: A business report is an orderly, objective communication of factual information that serves some business purpose.

What are the three factors to be considered for the topic selection in formal speeches?

Ans: The three factors to be considered for the topic selection in formal speeches are your knowledge, your audience and the occasion.

What are the techniques for conducting meetings?

Ans The techniques for conducting meetings are

  • Plan the meeting
  • Follow the plan
  • Move the discussion along
  • Control those who talk much and so on

Name the four types of informal spaces.

Ans: The four types of informal spaces are:

  1. Personal space (1.5 foot circle)
  2. Friendly communication space ( four feet beyond the first circle)
  3. Business space ( 4 to 12 feet around you)
  4. Beyond 12 feet

Define paralanguage.

Ans: By paralanguage we mean how a person say something. Paralanguage involves the “how” of a speakers voice rather that “what” of the words.

What are the principles of clear writing?

Ans: The principle of clear writing are :

  1. Care in word choice
  2. Emphasis in sentence design
  3. Care in paragraph design



What is rubber stamps expression?

Rubber stamps are those expression which we use without though in a certain type of situation.

List the types of external operational communication that occurs in your college.

  • The types of external operational communication that occurs in our college are listed below:
  • Communication between student and staffs.
  • Communication between teacher and parents.

 What is real world or the world of reality?

  • The real world refers to the sensory world or the sensory environment that exists around us or that surrounds us. This is the world which consists of billions upon billions of signs.

 What is the main objectives of language?

The main objectives of language is to make human superior and bind time.

When does two- valued thinking exist?

The two valued thinking exist when we consider only two possibilities in a situation.

 What is business report?

Business reports are type of assignment in which you analysis a situation and apply business theories to produce a range of suggestions for improvement.

 What is executive summary?

An executive summary is a short document or section of a document produced for business purpose.

 Define the “you – viewpoint” in terms of business correspondence.

A you-viewpoint centered business style employs the you view and an audience – centered tone to choose particular words and adopt a targeted tone in a message. The “you view” analyzes and emphasizes the reader’s interests and perspectives.

Write any four techniques for participating in a meeting?

  • The four techniques for participating in a meeting are listed below:
  • Follow the agenda
  • Participate
  • Don’t talk too much
  • Cooperate
  • Be courteous
  • Be patient
  • Be punctual
  • Don’t bring personal matters
  • Either switch off or set your cell phones on a silent mode

 What is the objective of the business letter?

The objective of the business letter is to make inquiry about people, product, price and to address the right person in order to inform or resolve a problem.



a.what is stereotyping?

= A stereotype is any thought widely adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of behaving intended to represent the entire group of those individuals or behaviors as a whole.

b.why sense organs are inadequate to know reality?

=Reality is infinitely complex,we don’t perceive these intricacies so our sensory organs are inadequate to know reality.

c.what is rubber stamps expression?

=Rubber stamp is a way of correspondence using the establish pattern of sentence.

e.Name four types of informal spaces.

=They are Single Strand, Gossip Chain,probability Chain and Cluster Chain.

f.What is real world and world of reality?

= Real world is the Sensory word or the the sensory environment that exist round us or that surrounds us.It is also known as the world of reality.

g.Explain the map territory relationship in communication.

=It is the relationship between the map and territory which tells that maps must contain the territory in them.In the same way words we must contain the necessary meanings context in them.

h.why is extemporaneous presentation regarded as best?

= Extemp speeches are more spontaneous and sound natural, which keeps the audience engaged and interested in the topic. A well-prepared extemporaneous speaker will also know his topic very clearly and in detail, which will make him sound like an expert in his field

i.trace out the importance of group discussion.

= Group-discussion offers you an opportunity to improve yourself. Group discussion helps you indentify your shortcomings and weaknesses.

j.what is report writing?

= Report writing is the creation of a structured document that precisely describes, and examines an event or occurrence.



What is ‘simpler-than-reality language’ mean?

Ans:-‘Simpler-than-reality-language’ is a language that makes sings words cover the broad area of reality.

Give two examples of You Viewpoint & we Viewpoint.

Ans:- The two examples of You Viewpoint & we viewpoint are:-

  • I think You should go to meet your mother.(You Viewpoint)
  • We will always be together.(We viewpoint)

Define Kinesics.

Ans:- Kinesics is the study of the body’s physical movement. In other words, it is the way the body communicates without words, that is, through various movements of its parts.

Explain the use of language and time binding.

Ans:- Through the use of language, human beings have been able to bind   time.

Through time binding, human being can communicate from one generation to another generation.

Give the connotation and denotation of the following sentences.

i)Crispy fried fish sold here. ii)Dead fish boiled in oil sold here.

i)crispy fried fish sold here-denotative

ii)Dead fish boiled in oil sold here-connotative

Change the following sexiest sentence into non sexiest one.

‘If a customer pays promptly, he is places on our preferred list.’

Ans:- ‘If customer pays promptly, they are placed on our preferred list.’

Change the following old business language into conversational style.

‘Please find enclosed herewith a draft cheque of Rs.20,000.’

Ans:- Here is a draft cheque of Rs.20,000.

Give the meaning of a glub from the context of the surrounding words in the following.

‘Gub lost his glub yesterday. Gib had gone to get some flea powder, and when he got back, he found the glub’s cage door open.’

Ans:- Gub is a pet animal or brid.

Name the five types of malfunctions of communication.

Ans:- The five types of malfunctions of communication are:-

  1. Two value thinking.
  2. Fact-inference confusion.
  3. The block mind.
  4. The static viewpoint.
  5. Failure to discriminate.

10.Correct the faculty idiom in the following idiom in the following sentences.

‘Nepali students are superior than foreign students’.

Ans:- ‘Nepali students are superior to foreign students’.



Define denotative and connotative meanings along with their examples.

Ans. Denotative meaning refers to the meaning that have real world reference.

For example: This is a football.

Connotation refers to the meaning that are based on our mind.

For example: I am very hungry to meet you.

Explain time lag.

Ans. Time lag is defined as the delay that occurs during the communication process.

List the types of external operational communication that occurs in your college.

Ans. The types of external operational communication found are:

  • Parents Counseling
  • Business Meeting
  • External College Meeting

What is grapevine? How should it be taken by management?

Ans. The informal communication network that exists in the organization is often known as grapevine.Management should use grapevine as a major tool for passing information as the flow of information is rapid in this type of communication.

What is the living nature of language?

Ans. Language is dynamic it changes time to time. It is the major tool for communication with each other. It passes from one generation to another.

Show the relationship between sensory perception and communication.

Ans. Using sensory perception we impose meaning to the sign and symbol for the communication.

Mention the fundamentals of business letters also mention the optional elements.

Ans. The fundamentals of business letters writing are:

  • Clarity, simplicity, tone, grammar, consistency, etc.

The optional elements are:

  • Reference initials, mention line, subject line etc.

Body, shape and postures are the part of kinesics. Explain in small paragraph.

Ans. As, kinesics is a type of non-verbal communication in which communication is done through physical movement, gesture, eyes etc.

Are inferences necessary while communication?

Ans. Yes, inferences are necessary while communicating because without any reason or special purpose no one is supposed to communicate with each other.

Change the roundabout sentence into direct sentence, “The department budget can be observed to be decreasing each year”.

Ans. He said that, “The department budget can be observed to be decreasing each year.”


bc 1bc 2

  1. What are the three main forms of organizational communication?

Ans: internal communication, external communication, personal communication

  1. What are the major sources of communication malfunction?

Ans: Two valued thinking, fact-inference confusion, the blocked mind,  the static viewpoint, failure to discriminate

  1. Give the meaning of glub from the context of the surrounding words in the following:

George lost his glub yesterday. George had gone to get some flea powder, and when he got back he found the glub’s cage door open”.

Ans: George lost his glub yesterday.  In this sentence the meaning of glub can be purse.

George had gone to get some flea powder, and when he got back he found the glub’s cage door open. In this sentence the meaning of glub can be a pet animal.

  1. Change the following sentence into a you-viewpoint: “we have received your report of may 1”.

Ans: Your report of may 1 has been received.

  1. Change the following old language of business into a friendly and conversational style.

“please find enclosed here with a draft cheque of rupees thirty thousand”.

Ans: Draft cheque of rupees thirty thousand in enclosed here.

  1. Change the following sexiest sentence into non-sexiest one: “If a customer pays promptly , he is place don our preferred list”.

Ans: If a customer pays promptly ,she\he is place don our preferred list”.

  1. Explain” meaning exists in people and not in words”.

Ans: Meaning exists in people and not in words”. This statement is true in a sense that what we understands is the consequence of what we learn in this real and infinite world and how we can perceive those things. Word are just the medium to express what we understand which are limited and sometime people may not be find the exact words to express what they actually experience or know or feel. Hence, meaning exists in people and not in words.

  1. Describe camouflaged verbs along with one example.

Ans: The tendency to change the action verb into noun are camouflaged verbs.

Clear verbs:  They could not control the water.

 Camouflaged verbs : Control of the water was not possible.

  1. Enlist the qualities of effective correspondence.
  1. Conversational style
  2. The You-viewpoint
  3. Accent on Positive Language
  4. Overall Tone of Courtesy
  5. Showing sincerity
  6. Techniques of Emphasis
  7. Coherence in the letter
  8. Writing for effect in international correspondence


bc 1bc 2

  • Give the example of connonative and one example of denotative into different sentence?

Connotive sentences

Ans: Unstoven man walking down a road


Ans: He was angry with me because had broken his pan.

Name any four component of social strat?

  1. i) Economic class effect view point
  2. ii) effect viewpoint

iii)     Ethnic inheritance viewpoint

  1. iv) Sex
  2. v) Age

3)what constitute viewpoint?

Ans: constitute viewpoint is the viewpoint that doesn’t change the viewpoint it mean that if your                               viewpoint  is in something it will remain constant it wont change.

Show the difference between truth and reality in four sentence?

Ans:We do not perceive all of reality and we perceive reality differently.

5)what are the charateristics of reality?

  • The infinity of reality.
  • all in process
  •  relative nature of perception

6)what means acent on positive language?

Ans: Ancent on positive language means you should use positive words to incourage motivated  to make the business sucussfully run.

8) Write four principle of clear business writing?

I)Basic principal of adaptation

ii)care in word choice

iii) emphasis on short sentence

iv)care in paragraph design

9) show the difference between block mind and failure to discriminate?

Ans: Block mind don’t even tried to understand the things what is said but failure to discriminate means the inner problem your brain cant find what is the meaning of word

10) What are two context as an aid to meaning?

i) context of physical environment ii) context of the surrounding word

Nepal Commerce Campus

What is you-viewpoint? Write about its context.

    • The you-viewpoint or you attitude involves seeing the situation from the readers point of view and choosing words and strategy that will bring about favorable responses in their minds. In other words, you-view point refers to the style of writing that emphasizes reader’s interest.

What are communication signs?

    • Communication occurs in a sensory environment, the real world with all the signs that senses can detect are called communication signs.

Mention three qualities of a successful interviewee.

    • They are:
      • Well prepared
      • Confident
      • Polite

Give extreme effects of the “Blocked Minds”.

    • It prevents good communication, results in arguments. Parties in an arguments usually defends their blocked minds rather than listening.

What are ‘rubber stamps’ expression?

    • Rubber stamps are the expression we use automatically in a certain type of situation. They are the expressions we use without thought. For E.g. Thank you, dear Sir, Sincerely yours etc.


What is the role of ‘attention-getting opening’ in sales letter? Give an example.

    • The role of attention-getting opening is to attract the attention of readers. For e.g.
      • Here is a proven best seller with 19% discount.

What is the importance of courtesy in letter writing situations?

    • They are:
      • Clarity
      • Professionalism
      • Appreciation
      • Respect

What is a report? Why is it vital in business organizations?

    • An orderly objective communication of factual information that serves some business purpose is known as report or simply business reports. It is vital in business organization because they generally handle large quantities of data.

Write three techniques for using visual aids.

    • They are:
      • Charts
      • Table
      • Diagram

How do you assess your audience while making oral presentation?

    • They are:
      • By looking at the composition of the audiences like age, sex, size, religion etc.
    • By receiving the signals from the audiences constantly.
    • By observing the questions of the audiences precisely.


What are proxemics?

  • The personal space between sender and receiver are known as proxemics.

Why sense organs are inadequate to know reality?

  • There are too many details in reality, our sensory organs can feel only five sense which are limited for our perception and we can only detect small parts of reality. So, we can never know everything about anything.

What is error effect on perception?

  • The error effect on perception is our sensory organs which are inadequate to cope with the complexity of the reality.

What is the logic of avoiding sexist language in business communication?

  • The main logic of avoiding sexist language in business communication is to make our word selection complete. Many words in our language suggest male dominance which may create arguments. So, for fair play as well to maintain courtesy language are avoided in business communication.

What is stereotyping?

  • Stereotyping is the tendency of evaluating something with the common features without considering the different qualities.

What are the rubber stamps expressions?

  1. The rubber stamps are the expressions used for habit every time a certain situation occurs.
  • Enumerate methods of presentation.
  • The methods of presentation are:
    • Extemporaneous
    • Memorizing
    • Reading

What are the difference between “time language” and “para language”?

  • The time language concerns about management of time which includes punctuality, time management whereas para-language refers to how we say something to reflect our emotions.

What is an oral speaking?

  • An oral speaking is defined as an oral presentation of factual information.

Explain the statement: “Management function in organization are carried out through communication”.

  • The information of the organization or information in organization is passed from higher level to lower level using types of communication that may be either interopernational , extraopernational or informal communication.

Set “B”

  1. Define communication.
  • Communication is transformation of ideas, feelings, expirences, data and facts from one person to another.
  1. Explain “Complete truth is incomplete.
  • Complete truth is incomplete because of following reasons:
    • Our sensory receptors are limited but reality is vast.
    • Our viewpoints are different.
  1. Give an example of camouflaged verbs.
  • Control of the water was not possible.
  1. What is static viewpoint? Give an example to clarify.
  • Static viewpoint means having same meaning for word in every situation without changing with people, places, things and objects. Eg: a word “Kathmandu” refers to a place Kathmandu but in reality the Kathmandu before 50 years ago is not alike t Kathmandu of present.
  1. Give the substitute to cluttering verb “we will keep in touch with you in the near future.
  • We will keep in touch with you soon.
  1. Explain the meaning of “Real world”, “sign”, and “sensory receptors”.
  • Real world are those which exist inside and outside our mind.
  • Sign are the elements in real world which we perceive to communicate.
  • Sensory receptors are the sense organs that are used to perceive signs from real world.
  1. What is the value of sales letter?
  • The value of sales letter is selling idea, a line of reasoning your company and yourself.
  1. What do you mean by “hypothesis” in research writing?
  • Hypothesisis a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event.
  1. Define “kinesis”
  • Kinesics is the study of the bodies physical movements.


businesss1business 2

What is business communication?

Ans: The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. In addition, business communication can also refer to how a companyshares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers.

Define Reality?

Ans:- Reality we mean the solid objects which are present in the nature through which our mind can perceive ideas and store them in mind.

Define inter operation communication, and give one example?

Ans:- Inter operational Communication refers to the communication which takes place among the participants within the business organization.

What are the essentials of application letter writing?


  • Writers address
  • inside address
  • salutation
  • complimentary close
  • subject
  1. How can we overcome two valued thinking?

Ans:-Being aware of the problem

  • using word precisely

Mention three qualities of successful interviews?

  • Knowledge about the job
  • Training and experience
  • Listening attentively
  • Emotional maturity
  • Control of anger and aggression
  • Empathetic attitude

Define Denotative and Connotative meaning along with their examples.

  • Denotative meaning is the dictionary meaning of the word

e.g Rose- flower

  • Connotative meaning is the meaning of the word for the context situation

e.g Rose – Love

What does the ‘filter of the mind ‘Include?

Ans:- Filter of mind include filtering the ideas stored in the mind perceived from the reality world and expressing them as per the need of the conversation.

What is effective telephone procedure?

Ans:- Effective telephone procedure is the communication using telephone in which sender (speaker) speaks and relays information to the receiver and gets the proper feedback/response to the subject.

How do you asses your audience while making oral presentation?

  • Focus on your Audience’s Needs
  • Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message
  • Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience
  • Start Strongly.

St xavier’s


  1. What is business communication?

Ans: The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. In addition, business communication can also refer to how a companyshares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers.

  1. Define Reality?

Ans:- Reality we mean the solid objects which are present in the nature through which our mind can perceive ideas and store them in mind.

  1. Define inter operation communication, and give one example?

Ans:- Inter operational Communication refers to the communication which takes place among the participants within the business organization.

  1. What are the essentials of application letter writing?

  • Writers address
  • inside address
  • salutation
  • complimentary close
  • subject
  1. How can we overcome two valued thinking?
  • Being aware of the problem
  • using word precisely
  1. Mention three qualities of successful interviews?
  • Knowledge about the job
  • Training and experience
  • Listening attentively
  • Emotional maturity
  • Control of anger and aggression
  • Empathetic attitude
  1. Define Denotative and Connotative meaning along with their examples.
  • Denotative meaning is the dictionary meaning of the word

e.g Rose- flower

  • Connotative meaning is the meaning of the word for the context situation

e.g Rose – Love

  1. What does the ‘filter of the mind ‘Include?

Ans:- Filter of mind include filtering the ideas stored in the mind perceived from the reality world and expressing them as per the need of the conversation.

  1. What is effective telephone procedure?

Ans:- Effective telephone procedure is the communication using telephone in which sender (speaker) speaks and relays information to the receiver and gets the proper feedback/response to the subject.

  1. How do you asses your audience while making oral presentation?
  • Focus on your Audience’s Needs
  • Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message
  • Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience
  • Start Strongly.