C programming 2012

Year 2012 Q.No 3 a)


Q.No 3

Q.No 4

Q.No .5

  Q.No 6

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C programming 2013

2013   Q.no 3

Q.no. 4

Q.no 5

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C programming 2014

year 2014 Q.no 3 Write function that display the factorial of 7 only.

Q.no 4 Write program that takes string as input from the user, and then display the length.

Q.no 5 Write a program to display the following pattern. * # * # * ? ? * ? ? +

Group […]

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c programming 2015

Year 2015 Q.No. 2 Write function that takes list of integers of size 10 as parameter and display all the prime numbers of the list.

Q.no 3 Write a program that displays the line “Best of Luck” 5 times, using a function.

Q.No. 5 Write a program to read a line of text, […]

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