DCCN 2017 Solution

2nd Semester

dccn 2017 (1)

dccn 2017 (2)
dccn 2017 (3)


1.Why there is bandwidth wastage in FDM? 2018
Ans: Due to the use of guard band in FDM, there is a bandwidth wastage as it uses the bandwidth of FDM.
2.Which layer is responsible for name recognition and security? 2018
Ans: For name recognition and security application layer and presentation layer are responsible respectively.
3.How the problem of frame duplication is solved in stop and wait protocol? 2018
Ans: In stop and wait protocol frames are sent only after receiving the acknowledgement of previous frame and are resent if NACK ( not acknowledge) is received. In this way the problem is solved in stop and wait protocol.
4.Differentiation between logical and physical topology? 2018
Ans: A logical topology is how devices appear connected to the user whereas a physical topology is how they are actually interconnected with wires and cables.
5. Why adaptive routing algorithm is less secure? 2018
Ans: Adaptive routing algorithm is less secure because routers share information about the network topology.
6. State any two improvements in IPV6 as compare to IPV4 .2018
Ans: Any two improvements in IPV6 as compared to IPV4 are:-

  1. Simplified network configuration
  2. Directed data flow

7.How data Crash Recovery is done in Datagram subnet? 2018
Ans: Crash Recovery is done in datagram subnet by using dataserver.
7.How the Crash Recovery is done in datagram subnet? 2018
Ans: Crash Recovery is done in datagram subnet by using dataserver.
8. Differentiate between SMTP and POP. 2018
Ans: Difference between SMTP and POP is as follows:-

  1. SMTP is a message transfer agent whereas POP is message access agent.
  2. SMTP is implied between sender and sender mail server and between sender mail server and receiver mail server whereas POP is implied between receiver and receiver mail server.

9.What are the types of channels used in ISDN? 2018
Ans: The types of channels used in ISDN are:-

  1. B channel
  2. D channel

10. What is the purpose of keep alive message in BGP? 2018
Ans: The purpose of keep alive message in BGP is to check the reachability.

year 2018



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