Unit 7: Enterprise Application Architectures

2-Tier Architecture &  3- Tier All J2EE applications are broadly divided into two types. These are 2 tier or 3 tier architecture. Basically at high level we can say that 2-tier architecture is Client server application and 3-tier architecture is Web based application. Two-Tier Architecture: The two-tier is based on Client Server architecture. The two-tier […]

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Unit 4: Using AWT controls, Layout Managers, and Menus

4.2.1Label The object of Label class is a component for placing text in a container. It is used to display a single line of read only text. The text can be changed by an application but a user cannot edit it directly.  Example

output:-  Button The button class is used to create a labeled button that […]

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Unit 1: The Applet Class

Applet Applets are small Java applications that can be accessed on an Internet server, transported over Internet, and can be automatically installed and run as apart of a web document. After a user receives an applet, the applet can produce a graphical user interface. It has limited access to resources so that it can run […]

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Unit 2: Even handling

Event Handling Any program that uses GUI (graphical user interface) such as Java application written for windows, is event driven. Event describes the change in state of any object. For Example : Pressing a button, Entering a character in Textbox, Clicking or Dragging a mouse, etc. Components of Event Handling Event handling has three main components, Events […]

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Unit 6: Exploring Swing

6.2 JTextField JTextField is used for taking input of single line of text. It is most widely used text component. It has three constructors,

  xample using JTextField

6.3 JButton JButton class provides functionality of a button. JButton class has three constuctors,

It allows a button to be created using icon, a string or […]

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Unit 3: Introducing AWT

3.1 AWT classes AWT contains large number of classes and methods that allows you to create and manage graphical user interface ( GUI ) applications, such as windows, buttons, scroll bars,etc.  2 packages – java.awt and java.awt.event – are commonly-used. The java.awt package contains the core AWT graphics classes: GUI Component classes, such as Button, TextField, and Label. GUI Container classes, such as Frame and Panel. Layout managers, such as FlowLayout, BorderLayout and GridLayout. […]

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