Test Case || Software Engineering

6th semester

Test case

A test case is a document, which has a set of test data, preconditions, expected results and postconditions, developed for a particular test scenario in order to verify compliance against a specific requirement.

Test Cases – Login Page

Sr. No. Functional Test Cases Type- Negative/ Positive Test Case
1 Verify if a user will be able to login with a valid username and valid password. Positive
2 Verify if a user cannot login with a valid username and an invalid password. Negative
3 Verify the login page for both, when the field is blank and Submit button is clicked. Negative
4 Verify the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality. Positive
5 Verify the messages for invalid login. Positive
6 Verify the ‘Remember Me’ functionality. Positive
7 Verify if the data in password field is either visible as asterisk or bullet signs. Positive
8 Verify if a user is able to login with a new password only after he/she has changed the password. Positive
9 Verify if the login page allows to log in simultaneously with different credentials in a different browser. Positive
10 Verify if the ‘Enter’ key of the keyboard is working correctly on the login page. Positive
Other Test Cases
11 Verify the time taken to log in with a valid username and password. Performance & Positive Testing
12 Verify if the font, text color, and color coding of the Login page is as per the standard. UI Testing & Positive Testing
13 Verify if there is a ‘Cancel’ button available to erase the entered text. Usability Testing
14 Verify the login page and all its controls in different browsers Browser Compatibility & Positive Testing.

Non-functional Security Test Cases

Test Cases for ATM:

1. Verify the ‘ATM Card Insertion Slot’ is as per the specification
2. Verify the ATM machine accepts card and PIN details
3. Verify the error message by inserting a card incorrectly
4. Verify the error message by inserting an invalid card (Expired Card)
5. Verify the error message by entering an incorrect PIN
6. Verify that the user is asked to enter the PIN after inserting a valid ATM Card
7. Verify that PIN is encrypted
8. Verify that there is an action like blocking of card occurs when the total no. of incorrect PIN attempts get surpassed
9. Verify the user is allowed to do only one cash withdrawal transaction per PIN request
10. Verify the machine logs out of the user session immediately after successful withdrawal
11. Verify the message when there is no money in the ATM
12. Verify the language selection functionality
13. Verify the cash withdrawal functionality by entering some valid amount
14. Verify the cash withdrawal functionality by entering an amount less than 100
15. Verify the cash withdrawal functionality by entering an amount greater than the total available balance in the account.
16. Verify the cash withdrawal functionality by entering an amount greater than per day limit
17. Verify the user is allowed to enter the amount again in case the amount entered is not valid. A proper message should be displayed.
18. Verify the ATM machine successfully takes out the money.
19. Verify the ATM machine takes out the balance printout after the withdrawal
20. Verify the font of the text displayed in ATM screen
21. Verify the text on the screen buttons visible clearly.
22. Verify the functionality of all the buttons on the keypad
23. Verify the text on the buttons visible clearly.
24. Verify that touch of the ATM screen is smooth and operational
25. Verify the user is allowed to choose different account types like Savings, Current etc.,
26. Verify the different combinations of operation and check if there will be an electricity loss in the middle of the operation. If there is an electricity loss in the middle of the transaction then the transaction should be marked as null and the amount shouldn’t be disclosed to others.
27. Verify the functionality of the cash dispenser
28. Verify the functionality of the receipt printer
29. Verify whether the printed data is correct or not in the receipt
30. Verify how much time the system takes to log out.

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